Yes, I know I regularly extol the virtues of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL). That’s because it’s good, very good. Its latest special issue (Vol. 14, No. 2, 2013) has just been published, and you can view it all (you should know by now that it’s open access) at Open Educational Resources: Opening Access to Knowledge. Continue reading
Tag Archives: IRRODL
Chaos, complexity and shameless self-promotion
No, the title is not a complaint, just a confession. You see, I’m rather thrilled about an article that I’ve just had published in the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL). It’s a journal I’ve long admired for its articles, ‘openness’ and the skills of the founder and editor, Terry Anderson. Over the years IRRODL has built up its reputation and readership (last week there were 10,725 visitors!), to the envy of its competitors, I suspect. Continue reading
I seem to have been hit with a plethora of new words lately. Surprisingly (to me, anyway), I met at least three new words when proof reading the index for an upcoming book. I won’t say what they are, because you probably know them already and then I’d be embarrassed.
But I’ll take a chance that not everyone knows stigmergy. Have you heard of it? Before I tell you what it means, Continue reading