Acceptance speech

Dear ODLAAians,

ODLAA has spoken, and I’m humbled by the trust and the confidence of my colleagues. With that trust comes a duty to serve all ODLAAians, and I will do my best to fulfill that duty every day as your President. (Applause.)

There are many people to thank, and my family comes first. (Applause.) Marilyn is the love of my life. (Applause.) I’m glad you love her, too. (Laughter.)

I’m grateful to the incoming Vice President, who has worked so hard and been such a vital part of our team. (Applause.) The Vice President serves ODLAA with wisdom and honor, and I’m proud to serve beside her. (Applause.)

I want to thank my superb campaign team. I want to thank you all for your hard work. (Applause.) I want to thank the thousands of our supporters across our country. I want to thank you for your hugs on the rope lines; I want to thank you for your kind words on the rope lines. I want to thank you for everything you did to make the calls and to put up the signs, to talk to your neighbors and to get out the vote. (Applause.) And because you did the incredible work, we are celebrating today. (Applause.)

Because we have done the hard work, we are entering a season of hope. We’ll continue our progress. We’ll reform our vision. We’ll strengthen distance education for the next generation. We’ll make our institutions all they can be. And we will uphold our deepest values of equity and access.

Let me close with a word to the people of the state of Tasmania. (Applause.) We have known each other the longest, and you started me on this journey. On the open plains of Tasmania, I first learned the character of our country: sturdy and honest, and as hopeful as the break of day. I will always be grateful to the good people of my state. And whatever the road that lies ahead, that road will take me home.

The campaign has ended, and ODLAA goes forward with confidence and faith. I see a great day coming for our country and I am eager for the work ahead. (Applause.)

Ah, isn’t the Web a wonderful thing?! Whose words are more worthwhile to plagiarise than those of Dubya?

But seriously, I’m very excited about the prospect of becoming intimately involved with ODLAA again (after standing on the sidelines for a while), and am really looking forward to working with you and fulfilling ODLAA’s exciting plans. And having some fun too:-)



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